Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Sentence Practice 6/7/2016

Before moving on to verbs, I'm reviewing the most difficult recent lessons to ensure I have a thorough grasp of everything. I think compound sentences are probably the most difficult out of all of them, simply because there's a lot to remember. Their placement in sentences varies somewhat from English (like with putting から at the end of a clause for a "because" statement) so it's hard to think of these sentences on the fly. But I'm going to practice more with them so it starts to feel more natural.

It's quiet here, so I like it.

He's handsome, so I really like him.

I want that book, but it's my friend's.

I don't like cake, but I like candy.

Even though you're pretty, I still hate you.

Even though this book is interesting...

But you don't like dogs.

So that's why you don't like school very much, huh?

One thing to notice here is the usage of ・・・ instead of 。。。 for an ellipsis equivalent. I think in past posts I used the latter of the two assuming it was the same, but I recently read on a forum that ・・・ is far more common. It's made by pressing the ?/ key when you're in Japanese mode on your computer.

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