Monday, June 6, 2016

Making Lists with And/Or

I believe this is one of the last lessons in Tae Kim's guide before moving on to verbs, so I'm excited! This is also a simpler one, which is odd to me because I was holding off on it due to its perceived difficulty. But after watching the video and practicing a bit, it's pretty easy to use the right form of "and/or" when constructing sentences in Japanese.

If I want to give a complete list, I can just use the particle と. For example:

I like cats and dogs.

I want apples and chicken, please.

If I want to give an incomplete list, I can use the particles や or とか depending on formality.

I like things like vegetables and rice.

I like stuff like games and movies.

You like hiking and stuff, huh?

You can add とか after listing a single item to get the casual "and stuff" effect, which we do in English all the time.

Finally, there's か used to mean "or" when listing nouns.

I want a pillow or a blanket, please.

I don't know. It's a hand or a foot.

Fun stuff! I'm really glad I did this lesson, because I can easily incorporate it into sentence practices now. I have one more section to learn for the の particle, then lots of review of these grammatical concepts, and it'll be time for verbs! I can finally do things!

Credit goes to Tae Kim's lesson seen here.

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