Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Verbs with Particles

There are several particles used with verbs to indicate how an action is being performed, or used with other words/phrases to provide further detail about it. One of the most useful ones is を, which is pronounced as お. It designates the previous word or phrase as the direct object of the verb. Some examples make this easy to understand.

Lee eats candy.

Ayato watches anime.

Laito teaches dogs.

Tae Kim's guide does a good job of detailing the other common particles. I could do the same myself, but it'd probably be very close to his own descriptions, and I don't want to merely repeat that info word-for-word. I think what I'll do is list the basic function of each particle and give an example or two, rather than going into detail for each one. It'll be easier to get a feel for how they're used with practice, anyway.

と - Used to mean "and" or "with."

I swim with my friend.

に - The target of an action. A bit fuzzy to me, but it seems most useful with intransitive verbs to specify further detail as to how that action is being performed. It can also be used with a time or location.

Ayato goes home.

Lee leaves tomorrow.

で - Also a bit fuzzy, but it generally reads as "by means of" to express context for a situation.

He talks at the meeting.

へ - Used for actual direction of movement. Pronounced as え.

She walks to (towards) the school.

Credit goes to Tae Kim's lesson seen here.

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