Friday, July 22, 2016

Notebook Correction 7/22/2016

I'm going to post another round of notebook corrections, after getting feedback on Italki.

食べ物は冷蔵庫にありませんでしたので、食品店で買いに行きました。 帰りしな、アリスと会いましたので、いささ喋りました。 先だっては彼女のお父さんが死にました。 悲しかったですが、元気づけに試みました。 有用だったは期待します。

食べ物冷蔵庫にありませんでしたので、食品店買いに行きました。 帰りしな、アリス会いましたので、少し喋りました。 先日彼女のお父さんが亡くなりました。 悲しかったですが、元気づけにお酒を飲みました。 彼女の気がまぎれた気がします。 

First is the particle change from は to が, which makes sense because I'm trying to say "food is the thing that did not exist in the refrigerator." Next, I completely forgot the に to say "I went to shop at the grocery store. For saying "I met Alice", I should've used the に again instead of と, since と is kind of like saying "I met with her."

The next round of edits are related to better-suited words than what I used. I was trying to say "we chatted a little", so 少し fits well there. 先日 works well to say "the other day" since I'm trying to convey that her father died recently. I believe that 亡くなりました is a more polite way of saying he died, kind of like "he passed away."

Finally, my last couple sentences were a bit more complex so I had trouble conveying myself. I attempted to say "I tried to cheer her up", but it came out mangled, so it was corrected to something more like "I had a drink with her to try to cheer her up."

Important lessons learned here: choose your particles wisely, 少し can be used for non-physical amounts, and 亡くなる can be used as a more polite version of "to die."

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