Tuesday, February 6, 2018

X は Yに当たる

The construct X は Yに当たる can be used to express "X corresponds to Y" or "X is equivalent to Y." It's often used to compare words across different languages, organizations, sectors, etc.

日本の環境省はアメリカの Environmental Protection Agency に当たる。
Japan's Ministry of the Environment is equivalent to America's EPA.

There is no equivalent in English to the Japanese phrases いただきます and ごちそうさま.

She is my mom's sister's daughter, so that makes her my cousin.

英語の president に当たる言葉は、日本語の場合、会社では「社長」、大学では「学長」、米国政府では「大統領」です。呼び方が違うので気をつけて下さい。
As for words equivalent to the English word "president", in the case of Japan, for a company it would be 社長, for a university it would be 学長, and for the US president it would be 大統領. Please take note since what you call them differs.

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