Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Expressing Quantities (Time and "A Lot")

I'm going to combine a couple small grammar points into one post here since they're semi-related and similar in nature.

The first is to express how long something took, such as "I did X for 1 hour." That length of time is represented by the number, followed by 時間 to state that it was a period of time. This is placed before the verb within the sentence.

I chatted with Ayato for two hours.

Tomorrow I work for eight hours.

Adding ぐらい at the end of the time expression turns it into an approximate measurement.

I studied Japanese for about an hour.

Today I ran around for about five hours.

That's about it for that bit of grammar. Like I said, the time expression goes before the verb, so there may be an "interrupt" between the verb and any particles (like を).

The second point is related to expressing "a lot." This is done using たくさん, which I've used before and seen multiple times due to how common it is. It can either be paired with the noun in the sentence, or it can be placed after the を particle.



Both sentences translate to "I drank a lot of sake." It's just that the location of たくさん has changed.

I did a lot of homework.

I ate a lot of pizza.

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