Monday, September 5, 2016

Topic and Time

Ever since learning how to express when something occurred/is occurring, I've wondered about the proper sentence order for those expressions. In some sentences I've seen the time ("In September"), followed by the topic ("I"), followed by anything else ("will go to Japan"). In others I've seen the topic written before the specified time. This has been bothering me because I always want to know if I should have the time listed before the は particle, as that would seemingly include it as part of the topic. Well, I finally have an answer after posting this question on the WaniKani forums.

In general, it is preferable to begin sentences with the topic, then follow that with any time specifications. This is because, in Japanese, you almost always want to follow the format of Topic -> Comment, even if that comment is time-related. I've often written sentences the other way around because it felt more natural, but I was wrong. So to be clear, I need to write like this from now on.

I'm going to Japan in September. (I'm not :( )

Ayato gets up at 7:30.

Laito studies science every day.

Lee-san is going shopping this weekend.

Subaru is eating dinner at home tonight.

Now, I need to eternally remember this. I know there are instances where including the day/time with the topic would make sense, mainly for emphasis, but in general, the above sentences demonstrate the preferred ordering.

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