Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Expressing "like" with のような / のように

When speaking, we often describe things via comparison using words such as "like" or "similar to." In Japanese, the same thing can be expressed in the following format:

A のような B

This states that Noun B is like A, in that it has the same quality or appearance as A. Another way of thinking of it is "An A-like B", to match the given Japanese word order. For example, プルートのような犬 for "a dog like Pluto", or "a Pluto-like dog."

I want to live in a city like Tokyo.

Yesterday at school, I saw a cat like Toki.

I bought a watch for Lee-san like his brother's.

If you want to use this "like" type phrasing to express similarity in relation to a verb or adjective, then のように is used instead.

I want a boyfriend who's kind like Toma.

That man's as strong as a bear.

That group of kids is noisy like a little dog.

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