Sunday, June 11, 2017

Causative Verbs

There's yet another verb conjugation that can be performed to achieve the "causative form" of a verb. Now, verbs in the causative form can mean one of two things: 1. To make someone do X, or 2. To let someone do X. Unfortunately, the only way to distinguish the two meanings is context.

Ichidan Verbs
  • Drop the る and add させる
  • 食べる   ->   食べさせる
  • 震える   ->    震えさせる
Godan Verbs
  • Change the final syllable to the あ equivalent and add せる
  • 走る   ->    走らせる
  • 買う    ->    買わせる
  • する   ->    させる
  • くる    ->    こさせる

The basic sentence structure used with this type of verb is: Director は / が Cast Action. The Director is the one who is making the others perform the action, marked with the usual topic particles. The Cast are the ones who are made (or allowed to) to perform the action, generally marked with に. And of course, the Action is in causative form.

The father made/let his child eat vegetables.

As you can see from this sentence, we have no way of knowing whether this father forced his kid to eat the vegetables, or if the kid actually wanted them and he allowed him to eat them. However, if the causative verb is in て form and followed by あげる, くれる, or もらう, then it almost always will take on the "let" meaning.

The professor did not allow me to speak in English.

Those are two examples from Genki demonstrating what I've written thus far. Now, a causative verb in て form plus ください can also be used to say something like "Let me do X."

Please let me go see my friend.

There is a slang form of causative verbs as well, but I think I'll do a separate post on that since this is already a bit of a brain dump. For now, here's a few more practice sentences.

My mom made my brother clean his room.

Lee-san let his dog eat a lot of Cheetos.

Please let me take this beautiful painting.

The chef makes me drink ramune every time.

Ayato let Yui buy a lot of chocolates.

Please let me look for my fish, Gina.

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