Thursday, April 6, 2017

Showing Gratitude with おかげ

To show gratitude towards someone or something, the expression おかげ(で) can be used. For example, "Noun のおかげで" will show that you're grateful for that noun because it helped things turn out as desired.

Thanks to the map my friend drew, I didn't get lost.

It can also be used more directly when addressing someone with a "thank you."

先生: 卒業おめでとう。
学生: 先生のおかげです。

Professor: Congratulations on your graduation.
Student: I owe it to you, Professor.

The full expression おかげさまで means "thanks to you" and can also be used when directly addressing someone.

A: 元気ですか?
B: ええ、 おかげさまで。

A: How are you?
B: I'm fine, thanks to you.

Finally, the phrase is also used when showing appreciation for someone's help, support, or concern.

A: 仕事に慣れましたか?
B: ええ、おかげさまで。大分慣れました。

A: Have you gotten used to the job?
B: Yes, I've gotten used to it mostly. Thank you for your concern.

These examples are all directly pulled from Genki because I didn't want to misuse such a specific phrase when writing my own sentences. I'll have to look up some more examples.

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