Tuesday, May 31, 2016

New Vocab 5/31/2016

This week I've been trying to expand my vocab to include more critical words. I'm going to write them here from memory, then do a check afterwards to see if I got them right.

Months of the year:

一月 - January
二月 - February
三月 - March
四月 - April
五月 - May
六月 - June
七月 - July
八月 - August
九月 - September
十月 - October
十一月 - November
十二月 - December

Days of the week:

日曜日 - Sunday
月曜日 - Monday
火曜日 - Tuesday
水曜日 - Wednesday
木曜日 - Thursday
金曜日 - Friday
土曜日 - Saturday

Double checking, I think I got all of them correct, which is good. Honestly, both sets are much easier to learn in Japanese than in English, because the months are just "one month", "two month", etc. And the days of the week are "sun day", "moon day", "fire day", etc. That makes it easy to form mnemonics for each of them (like Tuesday is easy to remember as fire day because that's when everything catches on fire at work).

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