Thursday, January 12, 2017

Expressions - Instruments and Adverbs

Different verbs are used in Japanese to express "playing" an instrument. For stringed and keyboard instruments, 弾く is used.

Subaru's good at playing piano.

Lee-san doesn't play the guitar.

For wind instruments, 吹く is used. It can mean "to blow" or "to whistle", which makes sense here.

I wonder if Kanato can play the saxophone.

Finally, for percussion (like drums), たたく is used. This one's also easy to remember.

I hate that the neighbors play drums every night.

And now for a completely different topic (but not enough right now to warrant its own post) - adverbs. The way they're used in Japanese doesn't translate well to English at all, so it's more a matter of getting used to them. Here's a couple helpful Genki sentences.

Robert is good at cooking.

Robert cooks well.

Japanese class is fun.

I enjoy studying Japanese every day.

Of course that doesn't literally read "I study Japanese funly every day", but it's their way of expressing enjoyment in that situation. I need more exposure to adverbs like that in general.

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