Thursday, December 8, 2016

Using ~ほうがいい For Advice

Using ほうがいい (which means "it's better for you to do...") at the end of a sentence is a way to give someone advice. According to Genki, the action being suggested "is advisable [to do], and if one does not follow the advice, there is a danger or a problem."

So basically, the tone set with this phrase is more than just a casual bit of advice thrown out there. It's specific and directed at somebody for a reason.

The sentence structure used here depends on if the advice is in the affirmative or negative.

Affirmative: use past tense plain form verb
Negative: use present tense plain form verb

You'd better clean your room.

You shouldn't copy your friend's test.

You'd better go to school every day.

You shouldn't throw out your dinner.

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